In a few short weeks, days even, I shall shut the door on this stage of my life and move completely into the next stage. I've been hovering in and out of this stage for a good 18 months or so now, but I must make the leap for good very soon. Yes, my Baby leaves pre-schooler-hood behind forever and goes to school.
I meet this stage with mixed emotions..on the one hand I'm glad to be leaving behind the often bizzare and competitive world of the under 5 scene, but on the other, I know she is moving ever swiftly out of my lap and out into the real world, and I feel a bit redundant!
I had a small taster of what my "new life" would be like in the fouth term of last year. You see? I did it there. School Mums divide the year into terms..maybe I'll be ok..... Anyway. Non parents have no. idea. about terms , nor about the significance of Term Four. For the unintiated, term four is also known as CRAZY TERM, and last years was more crazy than most, due to it's shortness. The year is divided into 4 terms of around 10 weeks apeice. Last year, being Rugby World Cup year, we had 3 longer terms and term four was just 8 short weeks. 8 weeks into which we squeeze Christmas, Nativity plays, school concerts, summer sports, end of year breakups, Dance concerts that require daily practice, often into the night, parties and then there is the actual school stuff. And work. I left home most days before 8.15 and more often than not, wasn't getting home til after 5pm, tired children in tow. By the time school had actually finished I was super tired and super stressed out. And not keen on repeating that level of insanity for a long time. So you can see why I have been hesitating about taking the leap into school mum-hood. However, It's inevitable. Seasoned professionals assure me that insanity is purely a term 4 disorder, and I'll enjoy this new phase of life.
The Small Elf, on the other hand, can't wait. She's not keen on leaving behind her favourite teachers, but she is very much looking forward to being a "Big Girl". She's ordered a Princess Party and tried on her (size 3) school uniform many times, she asks the Big Elf a tonne of questions daily about the ins and outs of the school day. She has friends waiting for her and she is looking forward to learning how to read. I looked through her baby album the other day and I cried. She might be ready, but I am not.